Here, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative learning to understand its role in modern education.
The benefits of lecture theatres
Universities and colleges all feature lecture theatres. We have provided a few of the benefits of having a lecture theatre.
CPS introduce two new auditorium seats
CPS is happy to announce the release of two new auditorium seating systems – The Primo and the Novus.
Reasons to service your seating
Fixed or retractable seating is a significant investment for your venue. It is important to protect the investment by servicing your seating.
The benefits of fixed seating
Fixed seating is traditional chairs that are fixed to flat or tiered floors. Read all of the benefits of fixed seating.
Display brand identity in your lecture theatre
These are some ideas on how to display your brand’s identity in your lecture room or auditorium. Take a look.
Should I refurbish or replace my fixed seating
Should you refurbish or replace your fixed seating? We cover the pros and cons of both to help you make your decision.
Safe standing seating guide
Safe standing seating is becoming increasingly popular at stadiums. So what is safe standing and what are the pros and cons?
Seating you can rely on
CPS Manufacturing offers a range of high quality auditorium and lecture theatre seating systems that are designed and manufactured in the UK.
Quality auditorium seating solutions
Our esteemed range of auditorium seating offers unique style and comfort levels.